105.00 € – 127.00 €
Track lights are a flexible solution as the rails allow moving the lights themselves further from the power supply, and allow creating geometric solutions on the mounting. Rails also support hanging lights. It’s easy to add more lights when needed, and they can be directed at different objects in the room. Different optical systems allow to change the distribution of the light flow as focused or dispersed. With the option to change the color tone of the rail lights, it’s also possible to bring out the colors of the room more.
Lineaaristen valaisimien perhe, pöly- ja vesitiivis (IP65), pinta- tai ripustusasennus, varustettu SMD LED-moduuleilla. Pyynnöstä valaisin voidaan varustaa hätäpakkauksella, 3 tunnin autonomialla, joka säilyttää 10% normaalista valaistustasosta.
Tutustu XFACTORY LINE -sarjan valikoimaan ja kysy lisätietoja ja tarjous